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What Parents Can Do To Keep Kids Interest Away From Gadgets

A Family Day Care Center helps in the process of teaching kids in becoming responsible individuals. They provide structured education with various techniques in prompting the children know the importance of following instructions and instilling discipline for their wants and needs.
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A Family Day Care Center helps in the process of teaching kids in becoming responsible individuals. They provide structured education with various techniques in prompting the children know the importance of following instructions and instilling discipline for their wants and needs. One of the common and realistic parent issues nowadays are keeping their kids away from gadgets.  It has been a persistent concern that gadget exposure is contributory and detrimental to the children’s mental and emotional state especially during the early development years. Pediatric doctors and teachers have been vocal to parents on advising closed guidance while allowing their kids use smartphones and tablets. Research says that, seventy-percent of parents consider that gadgets are quite beneficial to the development of children’s imagination and creativity. It may have been a good or bad use of gadget; there is always a better way to enjoy digital age. 

Family Day Care
Family Day Care Center

To help guide parents, the Family Day Care Center has these tips to address this concern.

These suggestions aim to cut back on a child’s gadget use especially during school days:

1. Reduce gadget use by finding more time for your toddler/ kid

The digital age has given way to many apps which cater to kids. These somehow have turned the ordinary gadget for phone use to act as a “babysitter” at home. These apps entertain children in many ways.  It allows kids to listen to music, watch games and shows.

To reduce time spend on gadgets, parents can have a more proactive approach by properly scheduling quality time with the kids.   They can interact more with their kid at any given day. Take time to spend an hour or more with the kid even during a busy weekday work will make the most out of his playing time focused just on the gadget alone.  Joining the child while playing is indeed a quality time together.

2. Bump off the urge to hand your kid with a gadget.Schedule a play date instead with other kids from his/her early learning center

Let kids be in their natural playful self by setting your kid to a fun activity. Ask for a play date or a get-together for your child and his/her classmates or friends, right in your home. Think of new ideas to engage the kids’ interest so you’ll have them wanting to stay over again, for another play date. This way your child will also get more acquainted with his/her friends from school.

3. Try some old school parenting

Why not use your time with your home daycare kid to introduce some basic concepts? Prepare some practical activities for your child like cooking, baking, or gardening? Make the activity light, and stir the curiosity of your child by challenging him/her to a task at home.

There are many more ways to reduce gadget use among kids. All that it takes are a little spark of imagination, dedication, and a playful attitude on the part of the parents.
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